An inexpert, inexperienced, un-authoritative, enamored view of life.
Packing all your stuff... You are moving to London, right?
Not moving. Just packing. I would like to see you though. Why don't you come back to SF? It's a balmy 50 degrees here...
Dear Dushka,It IS good.I feel it in every bone. 2008 is going to be a very good year.You're never far from my toughts. My love to you and Luca.M
I feel it too, Miguel!
See it as renewal. Definitely, renewal. Revision and renewal. A chance to review and revise your house and everything in it, all it entails, all it requires, all that has become superfluous.A birthday gift, a New Year's resolution.C.M.
Not necessarily in that order.
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Packing all your stuff... You are moving to London, right?
Not moving. Just packing. I would like to see you though. Why don't you come back to SF? It's a balmy 50 degrees here...
Dear Dushka,
It IS good.
I feel it in every bone. 2008 is going to be a very good year.
You're never far from my toughts.
My love to you and Luca.
I feel it too, Miguel!
See it as renewal. Definitely, renewal. Revision and renewal.
A chance to review and revise your house and everything in it, all it entails, all it requires, all that has become superfluous.
A birthday gift, a New Year's resolution.
Not necessarily in that order.
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