Alas, I am televisionless.
No matter. I have a lot to do (besides really miss Tim Sale’s incredible canvases and sketches seen when Isaac paints the future in the show Heroes):
- Take advantage of the fact that it gets dark late by going for a hike every evening after dinner.
- Read. I’m behind on my reading, and have a long list of books I want to get to, so I intend to catch up.
- Sometimes, I’ll grill dinner instead of cooking it inside. (Who am I kidding? I’ve never grilled.) Sometimes, I’ll persuade Luca to grill dinner. (That’s better.)
- I’ll stay on top of the magazines I still subscribe to.
- I’ll catch up on my sleep (which lately I seem to really need.)
I’ll report back on the success or failure of these activities and welcome any really good book, movie, grilling or napping suggestions. Just send them over before September.
Book: The castle in the forest by Norman Mailer.
Movie: Shrek the third. *LOL*
Napping: Right when the day reaches its hottest point.
Grilling: Lime and tequila salmon *hmmm tequila*
I hope you find this useful. By the way, thank you for the book suggestion last week. I enjoyed reading Life of Pi.
Ben - those sound great. I'll try them all and report back.
Dushka - go to Borders and pick up Monocle. It's my favorite magazine right now - and I am sure you'll love it too. Great summer read - http://www.monocle.com/
Something I did before leaving CA - bought a map of the state and went out to explore some greener parts of it. Didn't get to see too much, just went to Lake Shasta and mount Shasta. If you haven't been there, you must do it. Amazing place, surrounded by towns with the names like Whiskeytown and Weed (no kidding). Also, Lassen Volcanic National Park is amazing.
And definitely a weekend trip to London :)
Dear Dushka:
I suggest you come to Asturias and have a good time ;)
Also, if I may, I suggest you take a look in my blog. You've been recruited and cordially invited, to participate in a Game.
Much love, as ever,
Dear Dushka: I found your blog thru Miguel Cane's, in my opinion he is one of those super heroes I've never met but I know they are there for me somehow, everyday at first time in the morning I come to the office, unpack my sandwich and start reading his posts, a few days ago I read one of the most moving comments I've ever found, it was about Joan Didion's Year of the magical thinking book, to be brief I'd only say I had to live the dead process of my mother, and lately that feeling of lost has been maximized due a partnership breakup, I loved the quote you posted on his about Cohen's. and is very true, here in Mexico there is a a very popular and similar one, it goes like: "when the night is darker is when the daylight is closest"... Also, I read the way you express your emotions about Luca and I think you are so lucky to met him. Hope one day I can find that beautiful relationship like you guys have. I love your blog, I'm just linking it. Hope you can visit mine sometime. Kind regards.
Ah, yes. Miguel is a (compassionate) superhero.
I'd love to visit your blog. What's the URL?
Thank you for reading mine!
Dear Dushka,
Yes, a game in your blog.
You can invite anyone you want.
You're on.
A literary comment to add to your summer reading: going back to perusing old books carries an implicit risk. Mark Twain is better than ever, Somerset Maugham is still compelling (good enough, in fact, to still be turned into excellent movies, like The Painted Veil) but compilations of New Yorker stories are a bitter disappointment. It's amazing how the magazine we venerated published so much mediocre literature. And how I inherited it all from my mother, who thought it was great. Please recommend something new!!!!
Mom, even better, I'm making a pile of things to bring to you in my next visit.
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